About this Blog

Ola! The Undergnd serves to update you about whatever we think that is worth sharing about!

The Undergnd (previously The Unofficial Chatter) is the brainchild of my mate, FallenStar and me, Lynx because we just have too much time doing nothing it seems like there are insufficient info's about things that matters.

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30 January 2011

Soooo brain-dead

I dunno where to start on my report and this is sooo badddd, really bad. a few more weeks of stressing. of cz by the end of it, as always i will go like "oh so that's how it's done, so simple, why didnt i figure it out earlier?!" unfortunately my head is so jammed out right now and i procrastinate like all the time. terrible habit!

How to summarize so many research papers??? how???!!! I think I have to work day and night for at least 5 days to do that.

More important Q would be: How to ban FB from my laptop??? how??!!! FB and msn and youtube to be exact.

sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. my life already so sad, y make it sadder, ha? cliched and stupid status would be: wishes work is asexual so it would do itself. hahahahahaha so x-rated make me sound like a bad girl. hahahaha

Puzzle puzzle! damn solve it already la!!!