Part 1: G3 stories
I'm sure some ghost stories wouldn't hurt. Muahahahaha I myself can't validate how true these stories are because I've only encountered ghost once but that too didn't happen in Curtin. But some areas in Curtin Miri are reaaally more spooky than the rest. Alot of sightings took place in the G3 building.
It was rumoured that the ghost came in the form of a long-haired girl in white clothes/gown (don't they all look the same? joking hehe). In one incident, a group of kids was illegally gaming in G3's first comp lab on the right, G3101 one late evening. Because of this, they sat right at the last row of the lab. Now in the middle row of the lab, there was another girl in white who was seemingly doing her own thing, minding her own business so the guys din really give much thought. Next thing they know, the girl stood up and floated RIGHT THRU the walls.
In the very same lab, 2 girls were working on a project/assignment into the night and they were sitting next to each other. Everythg was fine until girl on the right, A felt a presence. She turned left and saw the ghost peering at her friend's work but could not see the face. I dunno why, but the other girl, B was so engrossed in her work that she failed to realize this. I must say, A has got some courage for not abandoning her friend! She slowly got her friend's attention and they quickly left the lab.
It seems like the lecturers too have their fair share of hair-raising experiences. Right next to G3 building is the G2 building, sch of foundation. I'm not sure about the details but then I have heard about this rumour from more than 1 source so I guess there must be some truth behind it.
It was late and this lecturer was alone in her room doing some paperwork and she needed some books for reference. Magically, a book was handed over to her from behind her. As she was busy, she forgot that she was alone but after a while, she turned to find that she was alone in the room the whole time. So how did the book travel from the shelf to her hand?
Nowadays, most Curtin rooms close after 6. The guards patrol around and lock the doors after the last class of the day is over. But then again, this could just be their standard procedure to increase security.
Next time, I shall tell you about my ex-housemate's first-hand experience, how a lecturer was being held by a possesed student. I hope I'm not painting a bad picture of Curtin. The G3 stories are of 'I-hear-this-from-a-friend-who-heard-it-from-his-friend' kind, much like how the game of chinese whispers goes. But the creme de la creme is my ex-housemate's tale! So, stay tune!
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